The last twenty years of education and research have been resulting to an enormous multiplication of knowledge. Nowadays, there are the main fields oral, jaw and facial surgery, orthodontics, periodontics, conserving dentistry, dental prosthetics, paedriatic dentestry, endodontics and much more. On the website of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde (German Society for Dentistry, Oral Hygiene and Orthodontology) you will find an overview of the number of professional societies.
To offer to your patients the best possible therapy we are specialising in the described fields. From this also results that you as the patient will get all services under one roof and must not be referred to special hospitals. We all are members of professional societies and will treat you according to the guidelines which always represent the state-of-the-art of medical science.
Also our technical equipment helps us to achieve high-quality results.
Your time is important to us, therefore we run an appointment-based practice. We daily strive that you always will be treated in time and without namable delay.