Besides time and precision an efficient oral hygiene overall needs the right ingredients:
Toothbrush, tooth paste, dental floss, or interdental brushes and mouthwashes. The reward for the effort: You will have nice, well-kept teeth and you will keep them longer. In our shop on Mein Zahn you can get a comprehensive consultation and you may chose from a multitude of toothbrushes and dental hygiene items.

The Right Toothbrush
The head of the toothbrush must not be too large or too wide so that all dental surfaces and areas may be reached without problems. Of course, for children special children’s toothbrushes are available. The handle should be sturdy and made from special non-slip material. Frequently the handle will be angled to better reach the rear areas of the mouth. For hygienic reasons synthetic bristles are recommended. Their tip should be rounded and polished to avoid injuries to the oral mucosa. Natural bristles are not recommended since the bacteria easier may settle. The bristle layout on the brush head always should be tight, the bristles should be medium-hard to smooth.
After using the toothbrush always should be stored that the head can dry freely. In general, it is recommended to buy a new toothbrush each two or three months. But this finally depends on how often and strong you will use your toothbrush – if the first bristles bow to the side the brush should be replaced.
The Correct Cleaning Technique
The Right Direction
Move the toothbrush always from red (gums) to white (teeth), never scrub horizontally.
The Right Pressure
Never push on too strong – a too strong cleaning fosters the decline of the gums and the exposure of the root surfaces (recessions).
A Consistent Systematic
With the uncoordinated brushing back and forth there will be the risk that individual tooth surface will be cleaned often and others not at all.
The Right Period
At least 2 minutes that all tooth surface may be cleaned.
The Right Frequency
2 to 3 times after meals. The regular teeth brushing not only serves to a removal of plaque but also to a regular fluoride supply by the toothpaste.
The Right Time
Ideally, after meals, at least before going to sleep. Immediately after enjoying sour food or beverages (wine, fruit juices, citrus fruits, yoghurt, salad with sour dressing) you should not brush since otherwise a wear of the most superficial tooth substance layer will occur. As an alternative to the toothbrush the mouth may be rinsed with a fluoride containing mouthwash or dissolved toothpaste for about 30 seconds. Additionally, we at Mein Zahn recommend to you to perform twice a week an extensive oral hygiene at home. Prior brushing you should use floss, brush more thoroughly and longer – ideally with an electric toothbrush. Once a week you should perform a fluoridation at best with Elmex Gelée prior going to bed. This hardens and additionally blocks the bacteria metabolism.
[toggle state=”closed” title=”Regular Toothbrush or Electrical Toothbrush?”] In general, manual toothbrushes guarantee a sufficient dental care. However, electric toothbrushes provide more comfort and performance. In particular at not so targeted toothbrush movements because of their own movements they are more effective than manual toothbrushes, especially in the area of the rear teeth. Electric toothbrushes are recommendable to everyone – from young adults up to the old age. [/toggle] [toggle state=”closed” title=”The Appropriate Toothpaste”] The tooth paste supports the cleaning efficiency of the toothbrush, helps with the removal of bacterial dental plaque and food residues, and the containing pigments. A clear recommendation on which toothpaste should be used we cannot make because of the existing huge product palette, but there are some criteria:
Necessarily the toothpaste should contain fluoride – beside a healthy diet and thorough dental care the most efficient means against tooth decay .The abrasive (emery) effect of the toothpaste may not be so intense since the healthy dental enamel will be rubbed off. With an open root surface the use of such toothpastes is very critical. Especially the so-called smokers’ toothpastes are extremely abrasive and should not be used regularly but only from time to time. For persons with open root surfaces it is recommended to use a toothpaste with less abrasivity as possible. Such products often have the phrase ‘Sensitive’. Some toothpastes contain crystallisation inhibitors that reduce the tartar buildup by up to 50 percent. [/toggle] [toggle state=”closed” title=”Is it Sufficient to Clean the Teeth with a Toothbrush?”]The toothbrush only reaches the outer and inner surfaces of the teeth but not the tooth gaps. Therefore in this tooth gaps plaque easily may build-up. Preferably, inflammations of the gums and the periodontium will develop here. The cleaning of the tooth gaps therefore is for the health preservation of the teeth and the gums of great importance. Here you may apply floss and interdental toothbrushes.[/toggle] [toggle state=”closed” title=”The Regular Use of Dental Floss”]In particular, the regular use of floss is recommended for the cleaning of tight interdental spaces. There, where the teeth laterally touch each other – at the so-called contact points – even a toothbrush is ineffective. Over the counter various variants of floss are available – waxed, not waxed, thick, thin, fluoridized or even coated with Teflon.[/toggle] [toggle state=”closed” title=”What is provided by Mouthwashes?”]Fluoridized mouthwashes are quite appropriate for the decay prophylaxis because they feed additional fluoride and thus have a positive effect on the tooth enamel. As a replacement for toothbrushing after enjoying sour food or drinks the rinsing with a fluoridized solution is recommendable. Mere mouthwashes don’t have any therapeutic benefit, they only provide a temporary fresher breath.[/toggle] [toggle state=”closed” title=”Are Dental Chewing Gums Useful?”]In principle, chewing gum has a good cleaning effect and particularly stimulates the salivation. The salver has an important function for the tooth health preservation: It develops a rinsing effect, it contains minerals (phosphates, calcium) for the remineralisation of the enamel and serves as a buffer for the neutralization of acids. If the toothbrushing after a meal is not possible, chewing of a sugar-free chewing gum will be a useful alternative but never will replace the toothbrushing.[/toggle]